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Excuse Notes
How to submit Excuse Notes
According to Dallas ISD Policy parents should turn in an excuse note to the school attendance office within three days of returning to school. Parents may also email an excuse note to our school registrar Ms. Morales,
An acceptable excuse note may be submitted within the current semester.
Excuse notes must include:
Student name
I.D. number
A written statement giving the date and reason for the absence(s)
Parent/guardian signature
Parent phone number
What types of absence will be excused?
- Child's illness or injury (parent note will be accepted for up to four days)
- Doctor or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled before or after school hours
- Court Appearances (must bring court documentation)
- Religious Holy days
- Death of a family member (must bring supporting documentation, such as obituary or death certificate)
- Family emergency must be approved by an administrator